Thursday, October 25, 2012

End of the First Quarter

WOW! What a first couple of months of the 2012-2013 school year! Luke joined boy scouts, as you can see above. He already has competed in the rain gutter regatta, had a camping trip (no we didn't spend the night), and several meetings. He's really enjoying it, because all of his close "bros" are involved as well. He's playing soccer, and loving it. Again, most of his close buds are on the team, and I'm coaching along with a couple of his friend's Dads, and everyone is having a great time.

As for school, he's totally killing it. His reading skills are off the charts, and he writes even better. I was blessed to be able to substitute in his class for a week - what an eye opener! I laughed, I cried, laughed and cried some more. Several of the other teachers said they heard I was doing a great job, and I really tried to soak it all in. How many chances do you get to teach your kid's class for a whole week? I took a picture of all of them during a lesson, I'd like to write a little about each one and see where they are 7 years from now when they graduate.

Speaking of graduating from St. Francis, Olivia aced her grades and earned Franciscan honors for the first quarter. She was one of three kids to earn it in 8th grade. That's two quarters in a row for her, she has really set a high bar for herself. She also went to the high school where she will probably go for a day to learn about the school. She qualified to take the PSAT along with about 50 other 8th graders from Fort Myers. Her basketball season starts at SFX next week, and I know she's excited. She's been shooting 100 3's a day in the driveway and making about 45% - that's awesome!!

Claire hit the ground running in middle school, and also earned Franciscan honors. She was the only 6th grader to achieve that level. Claire has had some friend issues this quarter, like many other middle schoolers do. But she has handled them with grace, as far as we know, and was awarded the St Francis Award - which is given to someone who displays a Christ like attitude. We are very proud of her efforts both with her work and her character.

As for Claire's sports, she was one of the leaders of the school volleyball team, which went undefeated! Claire seems to be enjoying volleyball more and more. I'm glad she's having fun. Her travel basketball team open gyms have also started. The coach said she will probably get a good amount of time. She has definitely improved over the past 12 months and I hope this year is a good experience for her.

That's about it right now, everyone is in a good groove, and the BV basketball season starts tonight. The CEO got some good news about her workload lightening some, which is great. I've started to plan our cross country trip as well, so excited about that!

Here's to keeping things rolling in the right direction :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Tri Weekend

This past weekend was one of firsts for our family. We've been training since July for the Captiva Triathlon; doing family bike rides, running in the street in front of our house, swimming together at lunch and after work. We had some really good times doing the training, particularly on the bike rides when we were able to share our daily activities and thoughts. What a blessing those times together were!

The weekend started with Luke's race; 100 yard swim, 1.5 mile bike and half mile run. He was excited to do it, and had done a nice job with his training. He was a little concerned about the swim, thinking sharks or other sea creatures might get him. As the race was beginning, and his wave was preparing to enter the water, he completely freaked out about his goggles. He wouldn't get in the water, and his wave took off. Claire came over and yelled at him to get in the water, I snatched her goggles from her and gave them to Luke, and he dashed into the water. He swam wonderfully, and came out of the water ready to rock the bike. When he came back in, he was starting to look a little tired, but he headed out for the run. A couple times on the run he threw his hands up as if to say "how much longer can I go??" Well, he sucked it up, and crossed the finish line to grab his medal in a total time of about 20 minutes - awesome!

Next came Claire's race; 200 yard swim, 3 mile bike and a 1 mile run. Before the race started, a local news crew saw Claire and interviewed her about the race. We didn't know it at the time, but they followed her throughout the race, and interviewed her again at the end of the race. She'll be highlighted in a show about the race, in a couple weeks, she's gonna eat that up! When the race started, she went bananas on the swim, blowing by people right and left. After taking forever to get out of transition because she was taking so long drying her feet, she hopped on her bike and rode away. She started the run slightly ahead of her classmate, but her passed her on the run course. Even so, she had a great first tri, finishing in just over 25 minutes, way under her expected time!

Sunday brought the adult race, and Olivia's first shot at an adult tri (1/4 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 5k run). Grandpop did it too, his first tri after 80. And it was my first tri that I would do with Olivia. Grandpop started in the first wave, Olivia in the 3rd, and I started in the 5th. As I watched her talking with another younger girl, I was so proud of her. She's so willing to take on new challenges, and has a quiet confidence that she will conquer it. I entered the water wanting to catch her as soon as I could, and that propelled me to a great swim time. I exited South Seas, racing down Captiva, along the Gulf, soaking in the beautiful scenery. I caught her about a third of the way on the bike, and pushed her as best I could. She did fantastic. We passed Grandpop at around the 7 mile mark, saw an awesome osprey right before we pulled back into transition, and jogged out onto the run course.

The run is always a battle of attrition for almost every triathlete. I knew this would be the same for Olivia, so I tried my best to keep her positive. I also wanted her to keep pushing herself though, to enjoy the views of the gulf, to enjoy all the hard work she had put in. She kept pushing, and was doing fantastic, but she started to have some stomach problems. But she fought through it, and crossed the finish line at 1:32:00!! Almost 15 minutes faster than we expected! I gave her a big hug after we crossed the line, and we walked to grab our medals. Grandpop finished about 15 minutes later! Olivia and Grandpop both got trophies for their performance, which was pretty neat. The oldest and the youngest people in the race were both Woolams, and champions!

It was a great weekend with everyone, including the CEO, Grandmom and Oma cheering us all on. It was a beautiful setting, doing healthy things, and doing them together as a doesn't get any better than that!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

We are a month into the school year, and things are running pretty smoothly so far. It's a year of change and transition for everyone, and each is doing a nice job of managing the transition.

Luke is thriving in first grade, and he gets to see Grandpop pretty regularly in class thanks to Gpa's reading assignments. he got his hair cut, and likes it quite a bit because he "can hear better", since the hair has been cut away from his ears. He has joined the cub scouts...first meeting this week! He's not in the same class as his two closest friends, and thus wanted to carry around pictures of them so he didn't miss them as much. He's preparing for his first triathlon this weekend, and he's been swimming, running and riding his bike regularly. He's such a great little guy!

Claire is in 6th grade, dealing with middle school and all that goes with it. She is doing fantastic with her grades, and doesn't seem sucked into the middle school drama, just yet. She tried out for and made the volleyball team, and is no doubt one of the leaders of the club. They just played their first game against the school rival, winning in three sets...she was the point leader for the team. Claire is also doing her first tri this weekend, and is very nervous about the swim. She's been training hard and will do fantastic, because that's who she is.

Then there is Olivia. 8th grade. Queen of the Hill. It's her 10th year at St. Francis, how does the time go so fast?? She is really coming into her own as a person it seems. She has always been confident, but now she seems comfortable with who she is. And that's great, because she is a wonderful young lady. Of course she's doing well with her grades, and she's learning lessons about trust and loyalty with her friends. she has been training hard for the same triathlon, although she's doing the adult race with me. She's nervous for sure, but she'll be fine, because she's got a tough determination. I got to ride with Olivia on a training ride for about 90 minutes, and she talked about school, girls and boys in her class, Halloween parties, basketball, you name it. How much fun for me to get to listen to her sharing about her life. I sure hope that never changes.

I'm so proud of all three, how they attack their challenges and enjoy the ride. I'm so lucky to be able to share in their lives. Keep after it guys!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Goodbye to Summer 2012

Summer 2012 is over tonight. The kids are shown above, celebrating the wonderful 10 weeks with their End Of Summer Cake on "Eat Anything You Want Day" to end the summer. I find it so hard to capture all of the feelings that happen on a day to day basis when writing, even when I make regular entries. This will probably be no different.

The Bear spent much of the summer bowling with me and her brother, as she didn't do any camps this summer. She did work on her scrapbook, and she spent three weeks in the Poconos with Gma and Gpa. She seemed to miss the family more than usual when she spent her time in the mountains without us. She and her brother spent hour upon hour together this summer, playing in the house, riding bikes together, bowling (high score 147!), you name it. They are so tight. It was a good summer for her, I think she needed a break from the stress that she puts on herself regarding basketball and school. It was good time spent, just kind of hanging out, relaxing, spending time with her family, and preparing for middle school. I can't believe I just wrote that. Claire is in middle school. Wow. Anyway, I know she's nervous, but like most things, she'll knock it out of the park. As O said about Claire, borrowing from an Olympics commercial this summer "When you meet Claire, you better tighten your skates." So true. She had a wonderful time in the Poconos with Gma and Gpa. They spent almost two weeks up there with them, and for the most part, everything went well. I think Claire missed home, she never said that, but she called a lot. We of course missed her too.

The Tornado had a very busy summer, and one I think he really enjoyed. He started by taking a two week swim lesson through the city swim program. He swam laps for about an hour a day, for four weeks. He's excited about preparing for his triathlon in September, and was thrilled to learn the different strokes in class. He had so much fun, he asked to sign up again, so we gave him two more weeks of it. He might not be a lot better than he was when he started, but he's a lot more confident, and that will definitely help him in the race. He bowled a lot (high score 117!) with his sister as mentioned above, along with doing pretty much everything with her. We put up a tent in the living room and they slept in there for about a week and a half. They loved it! A little later in the summer he went to golf camp for a week. He seems to like the game of golf, and was the only guy to hit a "bomb" over the creek - nice job buddy! He spent a week in the Poconos with the rest of us, and soaked up every minute of it. Jumping off "da branch", playing horseshoes, swimming at Blakeslee trail, tubing and jumping off the rope swing into the Lehigh River, jumping off the waterfalls at Hawks Falls, riding rides at Knoebels amusement park, and just hanging in the woods behind the house - simple but great fun! A great way to end the summer.

Then there's O. What a different summer from years past. First, she just SEEMS older. He mannerisms, her actions, what she talks about, all have the feel of a real teenager, which she is! She spent two weeks as a counselor in training at Sanibel Sea School. She was the youngest counselor, so she spent much of the time hanging out with kids that are in high school and even college. She got a lot out of it though, and I think working with a lot of young kids really opened her eyes. She worked out with the high school basketball team in June as well, doing all the drills and scrimmages. She held her own pretty well too, I'm looking forward to having her in the gym permanently. She also spent two weeks in the Poconos with my parents by herself, riding horses, and doing all the other great stuff I mentioned above. She bowled a little too, not nearly as much as the other two kids. She's very excited to start 8th grade, hard to believe her years at SFX are coming to a close.

We didn't go on any unique or different trips this summer, we did spend the one week in the mountains, which was great. We watched the Olympics together quite a bit as a family. That was a lot of fun, watching young people chase their dreams and watching my kids imitate the athletes in and around the house. It was a very special summer. I got to spend a lot of time with the younger two, and some good days with O. And really, that's what makes me happiest...getting to spend time with them, have fun with them, workout with them, do work around the house with them, and play with them, that's what I love the most.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Dobryi Vecher

O was at a friends house tonight,Bear and the CEO putting together a scrap book, leaving the Tornado and I to hang by ourselves. He made a 3D Hulk movie for Cooper to watch, by throwing himself around the den, beating up pillows, jumping off the sofa and crushing stuffed animals. Cooper enjoyed it thoroughly.

I was updating some music, and was listening to some hair bands, and Metallica. I decided to pull up the 'Sandman' video from Russia on YouTube and listen to and watch that. The Tornado came up and watched it with me, asking where the concert was. I told him it was in Russia, and he asked if Russian people speak English. I said some do, but they have their own language. He then asked how they could understand the song, which is in English. I guessed they just know the English version of the song, but I honestly have no clue.

Then he asks what the Russian language sounds like, so I called up a teaching video on the language. He learned a couple phrases, such as the one above (Good evening). He really enjoyed learning the words, and repeating them to the CEO.

Hey, look at that, another first!

I just love his curiosity though, such a sponge.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The girls and I at their first NBA game - Miami Heat vs Indiana Pacers, Eastern Conference Semifinals, May 2012

Yes, I've been negligent in making any "end of school" posts. The school year ended with O earning the highest academic honors at school, Bear making first honors, and the Tornado bringing home an excellent report on his development. I played in the very uncomfortable teacher vs 7th grade year end volleyball game per O's request. I actually hit the ball back several times, and was thus deemed to have "dominated" the youngsters, while simultaneously receiving grief from other teachers for taking it too easy. It was an excellent school year for all three kids, with your normal peaks and valleys, more peaks than valleys, and they all ended on a high note.

Bear's travel team ended their season on a disappointing note, losing in the state semifinals by 1 point. Bear didn't play as much as she would have liked, but overall it was a good experience for her.

But what I really wanted to touch on today was "firsts". The Tornado started his first swimming lessons this week as he prepares for his triathlon in September. The girls both knew how to swim by his age, and were swimming laps regularly. But this was his first go at it, and I sat there this morning on the pool deck in amazement. No, not at how good he is at swimming, he's probably the slowest swimmer in the class. But rather in awe of the excitement, anxiety, and joy there is in doing something for the first time.  He gets in the pool, listens to the instructions, and off he goes. I said to O as she watched too today, "he's working his tail off in there".

When he reaches the edge, he look up for approval. He looks right at me, no smile, no frown, just staring, waiting. I don't know if it's because he's my last child, or what the reason might be, but I look at him looking at me and think, how can I give him anything but a vote of confidence? No matter how slow, no matter how improper his stroke. He's killing himself in there, as Grandpop would say 'doing the best he can at that very moment', he deserves to see a thumbs up and a smile. So that's what he got. And that's what he gave right back to me.

He had to do 75 yards, non-stop, for the first time today. With flip I bet the girls he could do it in under 5 minutes (yes I know that's painfully long for a 75 yard swim). Darn if he didn't try to do the stinkin' flip turns, all while taking 4:44 to swim the distance. When he got out he exclaimed that was the first time he had swam that far, and that he's almost ready for the tri! These are his first swim lessons, preparing for his first tri - and he's doing everything he can to be ready. Because when you are doing something for the first time, you want to give your best. You want to excel, you want to challenge yourself. There's real fulfillment in that, it gives your spirit strength.

Last night O came to BV to practice with the high school team. She's been before, but hasn't really played in the scrimmages with us. Last night was her first scrimmage against high school kids. Did she have all the same feelings the Tornado has in his swim lessons? You bet she does. Is she excited? Is she anxious? Does she want to look good in front of her peers and her Dad? Yes, yes and yes. Unfortunately for her, as mentioned above, I treat her and her sister differently. Maybe in the long run it will be to their benefit. But I'm so much harder on them. I gave her a pretty hard time on the floor, and in the car on the way home. I did give her some praise as she improved throughout the game, but it wasn't a 50/50 praise to criticism ratio, that's for sure. I'll need to be more aware of this going forward, to give them more confidence and not be fearful of making mistakes. And maybe I need to push the Tornado a little more, or at least that's what Bear thinks.

But it's not all about firsts for the kids, and that's the real point of this post. This week is the first time I got to see my last child learn how to swim. I remember teaching O how to swim, I remember the dive sticks in the pool in Gateway and how everyday after work she would want to get in and go for them. I remember Ms. Vicki standing, arms clenched, cheering her on in her first race. I presume I'll remember this week long after it has passed too.

I remember my first high school basketball tryout (a disaster resulting in getting cut and a lonely subway ride back to Jersey). On senior night I'll remember last night, watching O struggle, and remembering her emotions.

When we all do the tri in September, I'll remember it as the first for Tornado and Bear, and the first adult race for O. I'll remember it for it being them all doing one with me.

I'm often bummed by the kids growing up so fast. I sometimes feel that since they aren't little anymore, there aren't any "new" moments to revel in. Sitting on the pool deck today I realized that's just not true. It might not be daily, but there are moments and events happening all the time that I can celebrate - I might just have to pay a little more attention! Thanks guys for giving me so many joyful moments watching you grow, and helping me grow!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Field Trip Dad

One of the great things about being a stay at home Dad is getting to attend the kids field trips. The spring always brings several opportunities to hit the road with the kids.

We took two trips with The Bear's class in April. During the first we traveled to Manatee Park, and took a war canoe ride. It's a 16 person canoe that the native Americans apparently used to ride the rivers. I was tasked to steer our canoe, and boy was that fun! One side of the boat refused to row, at least when they weren't trying to stop the canoe all together. Another Mom was repeatedly arguing with me about how to steer the canoe, and how we were falling behind the other group. Boy was that entertaining! Even the Bear was turning around to me and making faces - it was hilarious. We got back to shore and all the kids in the other boat asked me if I had fallen in the water. They confused my shirt was soaked from the river and not from sweat from rowing. No doubt the toughest field trip I've taken. But it actually was a lot of fun, and I wouldn't miss going with them for anything.

A couple weeks later we took another trip to see the movie Chimpanzee. We arrived at the theater an hour early,  and we all sat in the theater just chatting. After a little while, one of the teachers split up my group and another group to save space for the "general public". The Bear and I thought that was kind of funny, because it was 10am on a Wednesday, not a lot of people go to the movies then. The movie started, of course no other people showed up, and we settled in. It was a fantastic movie about a young chimp trying to find his way in his family. Of course I thought about my kids, and Bear in particular, who always seems to have the hardest time doing just that. A line in the movie says "Independence happens one step at a time", and when I thought about it, I thought Bear tries to get there with big leaps.

This is the last year they really go on field trips, so I'm glad I've been able to attend so many with her over the years. She is gaining her independence, and it's been a joy to be there watching Bear as she has taken those steps.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Being a Kid

I was driving O to school the other day and she told me a story. "Hey Dad" she started, "doesn't this sound fun?" She then went on to tell me that her and two friends, a few months ago, decided to hold a contest during language arts class, which is an hour an twenty minutes long. The contest was to see who could hold their feet off the ground the longest during class. O said as the class wore on, she was the only one still holding her feet up, so the other two girls told her they would sharpen her pencil if needed, or go up and get her extra paper for her so she could make it to the end of class. She said when the bell rang and she had made it to the end, the three of them were so excited.

I told her that did sound like a lot of fun, because it's exactly the kind of thing I would do, even today!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I haven't experienced a lot of new things specific to my role as the stay at home parent lately, or at least it seems that way. But as the kids have gotten a little older, I'm now learning on the job again.

The Tornado is playing baseball, and as you can tell by the picture, his focus is sporadic. That's fine, he's 6, and maybe baseball isn't his thing, who knows, maybe it is, just not yet. I just want him to have fun.

The girls are a little older, and seem to enjoy playing basketball. O is a worker, she'll do what you tell her. But, she always leaves something in the tank. She never really goes full throttle, for whatever reason.Don't know if she's scared of getting hurt, or if it's something else. But she holds herself back - and it seems like that's true in other areas of her life. She has great enthusiasm for things, but almost sabotages herself at times. How do you get someone to go to the wall every time she competes in something?

The Bear is totally different. Her intensity and level of determination, I can't imagine many 10/11 years olds equalling her in this regard. Or people of any age for that matter. When she puts her mind to something, she is singularly focused, and almost always reaches her goal. But, like me, if she can't see the goal, she just can't get the engines going at all. So how do show her the it's the little steps along the way that gets you to the top of the mountain? Is she too young to be able to see that? Is she not as interested as she says she is in this particular mountain?

At the moment, I don't know the answer to any of these questions. I don't know where the line of pushing versus letting them go their own way is. I said to the CEO tonight, it seems like I've been trying to straddle that line - and that they right way to do it is to be on one side of the line or the other. Either drive them to greatness, and hope it works out, or let them get there themselves. After thinking and talking it through in my mind, I guess I'm leaning towards letting them get there themselves.

I went to bed last night and while thinking, realized something that is at the heart of what's bothering me about this I think. When the girls were younger, like the Tornado still is, they always asked me questions. How to do this, what does that mean, where is such and such. O still looks for advice, she still seeks approval. But the Bear really doesn't, at least not vocally. She wants me to watch every move she makes, but she's just so independent. She's always been that way, but her youth still required her to ask for input. Now that she's almost 11, she seems to have decided she needs my input less. That's very hard for me. She wants me to be interested, but not contribute, or at least that's how it feels, and that's difficult and confusing, seeing how I've been there contributing for so many years. I want her to be strong and independent, that will obviously serve her well as she gets older. But I still want her to need her Dad. It's scary thinking that she's already getting to the point where she thinks she doesn't.

I guess I'll keep learning how to deal with these things as we go.

Something New

I was in the driveway talking to a friend yesterday, and a spider flew down from a tree, I guess. She shot a strand of silk to try to latch onto a car parked in the driveway. Then another strand of silk, and she just kind of floated through the air. I had never seen that before, and it was very peaceful and very cool. It's fun to see something new :)

State Champs!

O and the Bear traveled up to Orlando on March 17th to compete in the Knights of Columbus state free throw championship.

At the regional level, Bear went first in her age group, missed two of the first three, then made 21 of the last 22. She won comfortably, and moved onto the state level.

O went last in her age group, and one of the girls before her hit 15 of her first 16. O was getting nervous and so I told her to look away and talk to someone. The girl only made 3 of her last nine, but still posted an 18, which is pretty solid. O didn't know the number to beat, but she knew she had to make quite a few. She started off a little shaky, missing all three of her warmups. Then she got hot - and ended up making 22.

We got to Orlando, and Bear went first again, and her group went first. She made 21 of the first 22, and basically put the rest of the kids out of the competition. She made 22 in the end, and became the state champ!

O went first in her group too, and made 18. Not her best, but a solid number. She was still in the lead until the final girl went. The girl was 13 for 15, and looked like she was going to win. She missed one, then another, and you could see the frustration building. She ended up making only 17, and O was a champ too!

The two girls had shot over 10,000 free throws in the 3 months leading up to the competition. They had worked very hard, and I was very proud of how they made the effort to put their best foot forward. And they were rewarded - way to go girls!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Break 2012

The kids spring break just wrapped up, and what a great break it was! I'm not sure why, maybe it was just the weather being a little hotter than normal, but it felt like summer vacation.

They had 7 days off from school, plus the 4 weekend days mixed in there, so they were home for 11 days in a row. It was really nice having them at home for the extended period of time.

We did lots of things during the break. We went to the beach several times, sometimes with just the family, sometimes with friends, sometimes with Grandma and Grandpa. More than once we saw dolphins, we even saw a manatee swimming right up close to the shore! We collected lots of shells, played football, threw the woboba, built castles, you name it. The Tornado was playing with J, the son of one of my closest friends, they interacted by saying "How old are you? What's your name? Let's build a sand castle".

We went to a Miracle game with some friends, and had a lot of fun on a beautiful night. The Tornado and his best buddy each got to play a contest on the field where they roll hula hoops around the field. They both got a baseball for their efforts! O and one of her friends played Name That Tune in front of the whole stadium and each won a restaurant gift card. The Bear had a player toss her a ball, so everyone went home happy.

We rode bikes, took some walks, ate together a lot, played some board games and went to the Tornado's game together. All in all, we got to spend a lot of time together as a family, and that's what makes it a great vacation!

Monday, April 9, 2012

But how long??

On O's birthday we were talking about her going to college in just a few short years. Well, yesterday I was hugging the Tornado and asked him if he was going to live at home forever.

He responded in starts and stops, trying to explain that he was going to leave the house at the same age the Big O was going to leave the house for college. He wasn't able to get that point out clearly, so finally he just smiled, hugged me back and said "I'm gonna be here a long time!"

And really, that's all I wanted to hear :)


The Bear joined a travel team this spring, after she played very well on her school team and in the rec league. The team is a group of outstanding young players, at least 10 really solid kids.

As I write this, the season has been a little up and down. The team is doing well, playing in 3 tournaments so far, winning one and coming in 2nd the other two. We've lost 4 times to the same team, and will need to get past them to win the state title.

As for Bear, she started about half the games, but her playing time has diminished in the more competitive games as the season as gone on. There are two other point guards on the team, so competition for time is pretty intense. We still have 5 tournaments, so there is time for her to earn more if she plays well. Either way, it's been a good experience for her. She knows she has to play hard all the time, she knows there are other good players out there. She's met some nice kids, and played against some really difficult teams/players from all over the southeast.

She's a driven and determined kid, and if she keeps working she'll reach the goals she has set for herself and this will be a good stepping stone for getting there.

Time is Flying

My mother emailed the other day and asked why I hadn't written since the beginning of the school year.

The short answer - I don't know why. I kept a list of things I wanted to write about, but never put them down here on the blog.

The longer answer probably lies somewhere in the answer I gave my mother - that every time I write about things happening, it kind of bums me out. It gets me a little down to think about how quickly the kids are growing, how soon they will be on their own. And really, are they going to be interested in reading this stuff? Maybe they will, maybe they won't - so that kind of bums me out as well.

Having said that, I'm going to effort, again, to document more of their and our history as it happens. I'll begin with this entry.

The Big O turned 13 last week, a real live teenager living in my house. She's a wonderful young lady, and I wrote her a little letter telling all the things that make her wonderful. She's recently been inducted to the National Junior Honor Society, Florida Young Scholars, took the ACT, won the Florida Free Throw state championship, and on a daily basis does things to serve and help others. She has typical 13 year old troubles, such as issues with friends, or forgetfulness at home, but she almost always handles those issues with toughness and grace. She is an optimist that believes she can do anything, and I believe she's right!