Monday, September 10, 2012

We are a month into the school year, and things are running pretty smoothly so far. It's a year of change and transition for everyone, and each is doing a nice job of managing the transition.

Luke is thriving in first grade, and he gets to see Grandpop pretty regularly in class thanks to Gpa's reading assignments. he got his hair cut, and likes it quite a bit because he "can hear better", since the hair has been cut away from his ears. He has joined the cub scouts...first meeting this week! He's not in the same class as his two closest friends, and thus wanted to carry around pictures of them so he didn't miss them as much. He's preparing for his first triathlon this weekend, and he's been swimming, running and riding his bike regularly. He's such a great little guy!

Claire is in 6th grade, dealing with middle school and all that goes with it. She is doing fantastic with her grades, and doesn't seem sucked into the middle school drama, just yet. She tried out for and made the volleyball team, and is no doubt one of the leaders of the club. They just played their first game against the school rival, winning in three sets...she was the point leader for the team. Claire is also doing her first tri this weekend, and is very nervous about the swim. She's been training hard and will do fantastic, because that's who she is.

Then there is Olivia. 8th grade. Queen of the Hill. It's her 10th year at St. Francis, how does the time go so fast?? She is really coming into her own as a person it seems. She has always been confident, but now she seems comfortable with who she is. And that's great, because she is a wonderful young lady. Of course she's doing well with her grades, and she's learning lessons about trust and loyalty with her friends. she has been training hard for the same triathlon, although she's doing the adult race with me. She's nervous for sure, but she'll be fine, because she's got a tough determination. I got to ride with Olivia on a training ride for about 90 minutes, and she talked about school, girls and boys in her class, Halloween parties, basketball, you name it. How much fun for me to get to listen to her sharing about her life. I sure hope that never changes.

I'm so proud of all three, how they attack their challenges and enjoy the ride. I'm so lucky to be able to share in their lives. Keep after it guys!

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