Monday, April 9, 2012


The Bear joined a travel team this spring, after she played very well on her school team and in the rec league. The team is a group of outstanding young players, at least 10 really solid kids.

As I write this, the season has been a little up and down. The team is doing well, playing in 3 tournaments so far, winning one and coming in 2nd the other two. We've lost 4 times to the same team, and will need to get past them to win the state title.

As for Bear, she started about half the games, but her playing time has diminished in the more competitive games as the season as gone on. There are two other point guards on the team, so competition for time is pretty intense. We still have 5 tournaments, so there is time for her to earn more if she plays well. Either way, it's been a good experience for her. She knows she has to play hard all the time, she knows there are other good players out there. She's met some nice kids, and played against some really difficult teams/players from all over the southeast.

She's a driven and determined kid, and if she keeps working she'll reach the goals she has set for herself and this will be a good stepping stone for getting there.

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