Friday, June 22, 2012

Dobryi Vecher

O was at a friends house tonight,Bear and the CEO putting together a scrap book, leaving the Tornado and I to hang by ourselves. He made a 3D Hulk movie for Cooper to watch, by throwing himself around the den, beating up pillows, jumping off the sofa and crushing stuffed animals. Cooper enjoyed it thoroughly.

I was updating some music, and was listening to some hair bands, and Metallica. I decided to pull up the 'Sandman' video from Russia on YouTube and listen to and watch that. The Tornado came up and watched it with me, asking where the concert was. I told him it was in Russia, and he asked if Russian people speak English. I said some do, but they have their own language. He then asked how they could understand the song, which is in English. I guessed they just know the English version of the song, but I honestly have no clue.

Then he asks what the Russian language sounds like, so I called up a teaching video on the language. He learned a couple phrases, such as the one above (Good evening). He really enjoyed learning the words, and repeating them to the CEO.

Hey, look at that, another first!

I just love his curiosity though, such a sponge.

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