Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Being a Kid

I was driving O to school the other day and she told me a story. "Hey Dad" she started, "doesn't this sound fun?" She then went on to tell me that her and two friends, a few months ago, decided to hold a contest during language arts class, which is an hour an twenty minutes long. The contest was to see who could hold their feet off the ground the longest during class. O said as the class wore on, she was the only one still holding her feet up, so the other two girls told her they would sharpen her pencil if needed, or go up and get her extra paper for her so she could make it to the end of class. She said when the bell rang and she had made it to the end, the three of them were so excited.

I told her that did sound like a lot of fun, because it's exactly the kind of thing I would do, even today!

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