Friday, August 19, 2011
The week began with O starting school on Monday, while the rest of us took Bear up to Tampa for an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist. That was a stressful trip for us, but ended wonderfully as we got news that Bear is just fine.
We headed back home, to find the painters had begun working on the house, and the house looked like a wreck. Scraped paint, busted soffits, the outside just looked terrible. We picked up O, she told us she had a wonderful day, we grabbed a quick dinner and headed to the gym for basketball practice for Bear and the Tornado.
Tornado had his meeting with his teacher early Tuesday morning, and seemed very excited. He's got a good class of kids, and we like the teacher, so we are optimistic for the upcoming year for him. Bear had her first day of school as well, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had a physical therapy appointment before school ended, then took the kids up to the gym for their fitness class.
Wednesday the Tornado was still at home, so we walked the dog, played some games and watched a movie. We spent the afternoon driving carpool around town, getting haircuts, and catching up with each other. Wednesday night the CEO went to school for elementary school orientation.
Thursday began with the Tornado starting his first day of kindergarten, and boy was he excited. he couldn't wait to get there. After dropping the kids off, I headed to PT again, thinking of the wonderful summer we had and how I'm going to miss having them around the house. I got home in time to meet with three separate roofers to discuss repairing the house. When I was done meeting with them, I went and ran at the Y, then headed to school to pick up the Tornado and watch the girls tryout for volleyball. They both did well, we will know next week if they made the team, but they both said they had fun. We ran home, grabbed a quick dinner, and I went back to school for an amazingly long 3 hour middle school orientation.
Today, after school, the gang is headed up to Tampa to watch the Rays take on King Felix, and do the tornado's favorite thing...the centerfield shuffle and dance party! Tomorrow will take Bear to the Y for what will hopefully be a more pleasant basketball game than last week, while the Tornado will possibly try to dribble between his legs again in his game. Afterwards, the Bear is going to a sleepover while a friend is coming over to help finish putting up the new basketball hoop.
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by how must faster the pace picks up when everyone is in school compared to the summer. Is this a typical week? Is this what it's going to be every week of the year? If so, it's interesting to say the least!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Goodbye Agent F
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Bear-Sized Heart
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Fathers Day
Things I Wouldn't Understand
The Tornado is one smart dude. He's only going into kindergarten, and he can read on his own pretty well, he can do double digit addition and subtraction in his head, and he has a sense for other things too, instinctual things.
For example, we are walking down the sidewalk the other day, and he says "you know what would happen if you didn't have any wouldn't have any balance." He starts curling his toes and stumbling around. How does a 5 year old figure that out? What makes him think about something like that? Maybe I'm just amazed because he's my son, and that's not that unusual, but that's a curious mind at work. Powerful and awesome to watch and listen to.
However, sometimes it can be pretty darn frustrating. We are standing on the green the other day, before the start of golf camp, and I'm trying to show him how to putt. He tries "my way", and misses, and gives me a "see?". Then he putts a ball "his way", knocks it in, and starts off on a rant about how I'm trying to get him to fail!! Really? That's what I'm here to do - set you up to fail?
After golf camp I was asking him how it went, what they did, the normal debriefing questions. He tells me they learned about golf, some of the rules, and things like that. I asked what kinds of rules or things and he responds,"things you wouldn't understand". I assured him that I was pretty knowledgeable about golf related matters, so he "tested" me with some questions. To his shock and amazement, I got all his questions right. He gave me a wry smile, like the one in this picture, and we walked over to the creek next to the parking lot.
We took a couple pieces of bread over, sat down on the edge and fed the fish, turtles, minnows, ducks and ibis. The Tornado was tossing the bread, and watching intently as the various animals stalked the sinking morsels. He was asking me questions about the different wildlife, once again curious as to why things are the way the are. That made me feel good, as I guess there are some things I understand :)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Summer Has Started
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
End of the Year
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday with the Family
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Not Just the Tornado Anymore
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Wizards of Braman Avenue
We arrived at the hotel right around dinner time, so we checked in and got something to eat at the hotel. This was probably the oldest hotel we stayed in, it was ok, just not the best of the trip. Our hotel was right across the street from the MOA, so after dinner we walked over. The Tornado found the Lego store, and began playing with all they had, while the girls looked at the roller coasters that lie in the middle of the mall. I told the CEO I wanted to take a quick walk as I had seen something online that I wanted to check out.
There was a place called MagiQuest, and since the girls are so into Harry Potter, I thought it might be interesting. I walked up to the store front and could barely take myself into the building. The employees were in full "magic" outfits, and speaking in Old English. I mean really, they were barely understandable. I couldn't imagine working in a place where I had to be in costume and character like that every day, particularly if I had to dress up like a magic wizard or something. But hey, the girls love it, so it looked like it would be cool for them. I got all the info, and met up with the gang again.
We walked the mall a little, went into some stores, then got dessert in the Rainforest Cafe'. It's been a while since we went to the one at Disney, the Tornado was much younger, so I was wondering how he would react to all the noise. When the thunder started, he looked a little startled, but bounced back quickly and realized it was pretty fun to hear the animal sounds as if we were in the jungle. We went back to the room and to bed, and planned on hitting MagiQuest in the morning before the Twins game at night.
When we told the kids in the morning about MagiQuest, they were sooooo excited!! O couldn't wait to get there. Once we did, we found out we could go in for a couple extra bucks and "help" the kids do the scavenger hunt. Basically, you are a wizard, trying to kill a dragon. You need to go through several quests to obtain the necessary powers to kill the dragon. There are big screens that show clips when you activate them that gives clues on what to do or where to go. You have a wand to activate the clips and do other magic things. Honestly, it seemed a little silly, at best, before we got going.
The CEO and I decided we would let the girls do their own thing, go at their own pace, and we would guide the Tornado through the hunt. Well, it didn't take long before I was doing a little more than "helping" him. I was running from clip to clip, saying "over here buddy, c'mon, hurry up!" I got really caught up in the hunt/maze aspect of the game, it was pretty cool. The CEO kept telling me to let him do it, yet every time I turned around, she was on another side of the room guiding one of the girls to their next clue!! We all had magically gotten wrapped up in the game!
The time was winding down, you have 90 minutes in the room, whether you finish the hunt or not, and only one kid looked like she wasn't going to reach the finish line. With us helping him, the Tornado was right on track, and although a little pushed, O was going to make it too. That left the Bear, O M G!! I looked at the CEO and said we HAVE to get her to the finish, or the next several days of the trip would be unbearable (so to speak). So there was the three of us, sprinting from clue to clue, from clip to clip, waving the wand frantically. It was about as much pressure as you can feel doing a fun activity on vacation. I looked at my watch and saw we were down to 30 seconds and still had two things to find. I don't know what fairy intervened, but I thank her for guiding us to the right places quickly. The Bear was about to explode she was so nervous. But we made it, and the Bear got to slay the dragon! God Bless us all.
We left MagiQuest, all with huge smiles on our faces. It was a ton of fun for everyone, they all got to bring their wands with them, and for that they were extremely happy. We grabbed some lunch, shopped around a little more, and headed back to the room to relax before the game. The three master wizards and two wizard apprentices were ready for more excitement later that evening!