Sunday, June 19, 2011

Things I Wouldn't Understand

The Tornado is one smart dude. He's only going into kindergarten, and he can read on his own pretty well, he can do double digit addition and subtraction in his head, and he has a sense for other things too, instinctual things.

For example, we are walking down the sidewalk the other day, and he says "you know what would happen if you didn't have any wouldn't have any balance." He starts curling his toes and stumbling around. How does a 5 year old figure that out? What makes him think about something like that? Maybe I'm just amazed because he's my son, and that's not that unusual, but that's a curious mind at work. Powerful and awesome to watch and listen to.

However, sometimes it can be pretty darn frustrating. We are standing on the green the other day, before the start of golf camp, and I'm trying to show him how to putt. He tries "my way", and misses, and gives me a "see?". Then he putts a ball "his way", knocks it in, and starts off on a rant about how I'm trying to get him to fail!! Really? That's what I'm here to do - set you up to fail?

After golf camp I was asking him how it went, what they did, the normal debriefing questions. He tells me they learned about golf, some of the rules, and things like that. I asked what kinds of rules or things and he responds,"things you wouldn't understand". I assured him that I was pretty knowledgeable about golf related matters, so he "tested" me with some questions. To his shock and amazement, I got all his questions right. He gave me a wry smile, like the one in this picture, and we walked over to the creek next to the parking lot.

We took a couple pieces of bread over, sat down on the edge and fed the fish, turtles, minnows, ducks and ibis. The Tornado was tossing the bread, and watching intently as the various animals stalked the sinking morsels. He was asking me questions about the different wildlife, once again curious as to why things are the way the are. That made me feel good, as I guess there are some things I understand :)

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