Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday August 11th

My Favorite Moment of the Day: Today was Claire's first day of school, her last year at St. Francis Xavier. When I picked her up after school, she talked non-stop about her day for the next 30 minutes. She was so excited, and seemed to have a great day. It reminded me of when we used to drive around in the car together, just the two of us, before Luke was born, and all she would do was talk. She would ask to hear a particular song on the CD player, then talk throughout the entire song, and then ask to hear the song again "because I couldn't hear it because I was talking."

Thing that Made me Laugh Today: I played "war" with Luke and his buddy today. We all had different types of fake guns, and we chased each other around the house for about an hour. It was a lot of fun acting like a little kid again, hiding, jumping out to shoot someone, hustling to recover the bullets and hide again. We all worked up a sweat, until finally Luke shot me in the throat with the IronMan fist gun - thus killing me and ending the war!

Thing that Made me Think Today: It's been a little bit of a rough afternoon, and I'm trying to stay positive. Going back to yesterday, talking about the process, I need to not worry about things that I can't control. Maybe the things I'm concerned about will work out, and they aren't "real" problems anyway, they aren't major life issues. Sometimes I just feel like I don't have the stomach to deal with people, hopefully if I keep doing things the "right" way, the things I'm concerned about will not come to fruition.

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