Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Bad News Falcons??

The St. Francis season came to a close the first week of February, and what a season it was. Between sharing a practice court with three other teams, playing 15 players an equal amount every game, and only having 4 other teams in the league this year, there were some adjustments to make.
It was the first time in years I've coached a team that collectively couldn't give a hoot if they won the game or not. They didn't really seem interested in even playing to be truthful. There were some girls that were interested and played real hard, but with this many kids, half of whom were more interested in who is crushing on them and vice versa, the basketball was pretty rough.
Interestingly though, the team scratched and clawed to a 4-3 record. We played 5 blowouts, 2 on the plus side, and squeaked out two other wins. Ultimately I think the girls had fun, I know some of them learned some good stuff, as did I. Another successful season in the Suncoast League!

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