Thursday, April 1, 2010

Not up to Par

So I get called in to the school office one day about a month ago. The school secretary wants to know if I am available to substitute for one of the 6th grade math teachers. I had subbed for middle school math before, and O had this particular teacher before too, so she knows the kind of work our family produces.

I said OK, and came home. Later that day I got a call saying that this teacher, Mrs. Zell, decided that she would rather choose her own sub instead of having me take the class. REALLY?? Are you serious Mrs. Zell?

As it turned out I went in to sub for a different teacher on the same day, lo and behold, Mrs. Zell was there! I saw her and told her I was subbing for the 8th grade english teacher, thanks for asking.

I can't imagine why some of these teachers have a tough time getting along with parents :)

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