Monday, October 19, 2009


Another October is upon us, and another lousy effort by the Eagles against a team they were almost three touchdown favorites to beat. I feel like Al Pacino in Godfather III "Everytime I think I'm out, they keep pulling me back in!" This loss will be followed by a month long malaise, maybe with some wins mixed in, but mostly poor play. The team will then get hot, and either lose the last week of the season to miss the playoffs, or get in, look unbeatable, then drop a stinker against an inferior team. Frustration, with the team, and myself for allowing me to get frustrated over a stupid football game will follow.

There was something different about yesterday's game though. It was frustrating right from the get go. So there was tension in the air. I'm used to Morgan pacing around, scratching the floor in the bathroom or getting into the shower and scratching in there, ears pinned back, lying under the coffee table. Anything but sitting on the sofa or floor next to me. But there Cooper was, sound asleep, right with me. What the heck is wrong with this dog???!!!! Seriously though, he just laid there, as I tossed a pillow at the other half of the sofa, as I paced around, he did open his eyes when I used a couple choice words (kids and CEO were not around during the game), but then closed them right back. It's like he's oblivious to the stress.

The only thing I can figure is that the football was the only real stress in Morgan's life when he was a pup. Now, with the kids running around all the time, even the stress of an Eagles loss to the Raiders seems like a break compared to the normal day to day - is that possible?

Anyway, I was thinking of you yesterday during the game Morgan - hope you were up there in the big kennel in the sky, lying on a comfy dog bed relaxing, looking down on me and chuckling.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, funny you should write this, I was thinking about Morgan today, not sure why,but there he was and I had a miss you Morgie Man feeling.

    Maybe some Sports station will pick up on your blog and call you to call the plays. Then what I said you should do when you grow up will really have come true, work with kids and talk sports!!
