Thursday, October 15, 2009


The CEO and I watched one of the shows we like last night, Modern Family. Towards the end of the show, the teenage daughter's boyfriend gave a little monologue about what he liked about her. He said that she has a confidence that comes only from being part of a good family, that supports you, believes in you, talks about things with you, etc.

I was thinking how true that is, how the strength that you draw from your family gives you a level of comfort, with yourself and around others. Of course it's not true for everyone, but it's a good rule of thumb.

So I went upstairs to go to bed, and checked in on all the kids. I went into the Big O's room, and pulled the covers up on her. I saw her 5th grade book sitting on her desk, and decided to flip through it. This book has dozens of questions about her year in 5th grade that she can fill out as the year goes by.

What struck me, and why I mentioned the TV show, was her answers to some of the questions. One question is who are your teachers, then "first impressions". Of course that means your impressions of them, But O answered "they love me!".

Under the class profile section, funniest - "Me" along with two others. Smartest? "Me", and two others. Best girl athlete? "Me", and three others. Cutest girl? "Me". Best Singer? "Me" and one other.

One of the things I had hoped when I left my job was that by being at home I would be able to help my kids develop a strong feeling of self worth, without being arrogant. That they would have a quiet confidence about them, that they know they can do anything they set their minds to, yet are respectful of both others and the challenges they might face.

Looks like mission accomplished with O!!

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