Monday, October 12, 2009


Saturday morning we asked the Tornado what he wished for on his birthday and he said he wanted to go to the beach. With the Big O away for a sleepover, the rest of us decided we would go over around sunset.

We stopped at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries on the way to the beach and had a little picnic on the beach. Dinner was tasty, and we had a wonderful time on the beach. The sunset was beautiful, we were the only ones on our little section on the beach, and we had a real special time together.

We also saw a cool shadow in the clouds as the sun was going down. Once in a while you have one of those special nights, where everything goes just perfect and everyone just has a truly good time. Tonight was one of those nights. The sun finally set, we packed up the buckets, the frisbee, and a the dead starfish that the Bear found, and headed home. Birthday wish fulfilled. :)

Sunday came, and with it came the "real" party. We had the Tornado's best friend over, along with the rest of their family. They have kids in each of our kids grades, and we get along with the parents great too. Grandma, Grandpa and Oma all came over as well, for a cookout, some football, cake and presents. The Tornado never came to tears as the birthday boys and girls often do. He had a fun day with his friends, played like crazy, enjoyed his presents and sprayed everyone with his silly string.

As everyone settled down for the night, laying in their beds, I went in to give the Tornado a hug and a kiss goodnight. He told me he loved me after the hug and kiss, and as I walked from the room, he said aloud, but as if he was saying it to no one in particular, "That was the best birthday ever", and rolled over and drifted to sleep.

Happy #4 big guy.

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