Sunday, October 18, 2009


We went to church today, Saturday, as we have some plans for Sunday morning. Usually there is no intrumentals or choir on Saturday afternoon, only a singer. But today, Mr. Paul was there, the drummer. We sit over by the "band", and the last couple years the Tornado has gotten Mr. Paul's attention. After mass he goes over and Mr. Paul lets him play the drums for a couple minutes. Today was the same, except Mr. Paul kept some rythym with the foot pedal for the Tornado to play the drums with, and he enjoyed that. I think he kind of felt like he was playing a real song.

But that isn't what I wanted to write about really. After mass, Mr. Paul and his wife were talking with us, about their family and how their parents are coming near the end as they reach their mid 90's. Then, out of the blue, maybe reflecting on his family and times gone by, Mr. Paul says,"You have the most beautiful family - we talk about you guys all the time." I said thank you very much, we continued to talk for a few more minutes about other things, and we headed home.

The strange thing about him saying such a nice thing is that I have been told almost that exact same sentence three times in the past few weeks. Another woman in church said she hadn't seen such a beautiful family in a long time, while the cashier at the grocery store said the same thing.

Maybe other people get told that all the time - and we are just getting our first dose of it, who knows. But like I mentioned in my last post, I think maybe there is something that people can see, or sense. We hug a lot in public, we smile a lot, we say I love you a lot, and it's all sincere and genuine. It's not perfect of course, very rarely is anything perfect. But I think our family projects happy, content, and love - and I think others can feel that when they see us, and that's what they are talking about?

Or maybe they are commenting on just how darn good looking we all are? :)

(goes to put ice on shoulder for patting himself on back too hard)

1 comment:

  1. When you put your hearts into something it always shows. I'm happy for you that your efforts are recognized Love M
