Sunday, November 1, 2009


The Bear is very particular about her clothes. VERY particular! One of the things she is most particular about is her socks. They absoultely, no questions asked, without exception, must be pulled up as high as they possibly can. Big O has teased her over the years a little about wearing her socks like a retired man, but that didn't seem to bother her much. However, recently a boy in school has teased her, saying she looks wierd. So that kind of does bother her. I racked my brain to think of someone famous who wears his or her socks high. I settled on one of the coolest dudes ever to play hoops (which The Bear also enjoys). Sure Doctor J was less than a stellar father, but as far as having a flair on the basketball court, he was second to none. That night, after Bear had gone to bed, I was watching some hoops and they actually showed a clip of him playing, with socks pulled all the way up. I taped it to show the Bear in the morning.

She woke up, and I told her that she could tell this boy that Dr. J wore his socks this way, and nobody was cooler than Dr. J, so he should check his facts a little. She got out a little notebook she keeps, and wrote down "Julius Erving = Dr. J", and gave me her famous smile. It was as if she was saying "thanks Dad for having my back". It's those hugs and smiles that make being a Dad so great!

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