Monday, October 19, 2009


Another October is upon us, and another lousy effort by the Eagles against a team they were almost three touchdown favorites to beat. I feel like Al Pacino in Godfather III "Everytime I think I'm out, they keep pulling me back in!" This loss will be followed by a month long malaise, maybe with some wins mixed in, but mostly poor play. The team will then get hot, and either lose the last week of the season to miss the playoffs, or get in, look unbeatable, then drop a stinker against an inferior team. Frustration, with the team, and myself for allowing me to get frustrated over a stupid football game will follow.

There was something different about yesterday's game though. It was frustrating right from the get go. So there was tension in the air. I'm used to Morgan pacing around, scratching the floor in the bathroom or getting into the shower and scratching in there, ears pinned back, lying under the coffee table. Anything but sitting on the sofa or floor next to me. But there Cooper was, sound asleep, right with me. What the heck is wrong with this dog???!!!! Seriously though, he just laid there, as I tossed a pillow at the other half of the sofa, as I paced around, he did open his eyes when I used a couple choice words (kids and CEO were not around during the game), but then closed them right back. It's like he's oblivious to the stress.

The only thing I can figure is that the football was the only real stress in Morgan's life when he was a pup. Now, with the kids running around all the time, even the stress of an Eagles loss to the Raiders seems like a break compared to the normal day to day - is that possible?

Anyway, I was thinking of you yesterday during the game Morgan - hope you were up there in the big kennel in the sky, lying on a comfy dog bed relaxing, looking down on me and chuckling.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We went to church today, Saturday, as we have some plans for Sunday morning. Usually there is no intrumentals or choir on Saturday afternoon, only a singer. But today, Mr. Paul was there, the drummer. We sit over by the "band", and the last couple years the Tornado has gotten Mr. Paul's attention. After mass he goes over and Mr. Paul lets him play the drums for a couple minutes. Today was the same, except Mr. Paul kept some rythym with the foot pedal for the Tornado to play the drums with, and he enjoyed that. I think he kind of felt like he was playing a real song.

But that isn't what I wanted to write about really. After mass, Mr. Paul and his wife were talking with us, about their family and how their parents are coming near the end as they reach their mid 90's. Then, out of the blue, maybe reflecting on his family and times gone by, Mr. Paul says,"You have the most beautiful family - we talk about you guys all the time." I said thank you very much, we continued to talk for a few more minutes about other things, and we headed home.

The strange thing about him saying such a nice thing is that I have been told almost that exact same sentence three times in the past few weeks. Another woman in church said she hadn't seen such a beautiful family in a long time, while the cashier at the grocery store said the same thing.

Maybe other people get told that all the time - and we are just getting our first dose of it, who knows. But like I mentioned in my last post, I think maybe there is something that people can see, or sense. We hug a lot in public, we smile a lot, we say I love you a lot, and it's all sincere and genuine. It's not perfect of course, very rarely is anything perfect. But I think our family projects happy, content, and love - and I think others can feel that when they see us, and that's what they are talking about?

Or maybe they are commenting on just how darn good looking we all are? :)

(goes to put ice on shoulder for patting himself on back too hard)

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The CEO and I watched one of the shows we like last night, Modern Family. Towards the end of the show, the teenage daughter's boyfriend gave a little monologue about what he liked about her. He said that she has a confidence that comes only from being part of a good family, that supports you, believes in you, talks about things with you, etc.

I was thinking how true that is, how the strength that you draw from your family gives you a level of comfort, with yourself and around others. Of course it's not true for everyone, but it's a good rule of thumb.

So I went upstairs to go to bed, and checked in on all the kids. I went into the Big O's room, and pulled the covers up on her. I saw her 5th grade book sitting on her desk, and decided to flip through it. This book has dozens of questions about her year in 5th grade that she can fill out as the year goes by.

What struck me, and why I mentioned the TV show, was her answers to some of the questions. One question is who are your teachers, then "first impressions". Of course that means your impressions of them, But O answered "they love me!".

Under the class profile section, funniest - "Me" along with two others. Smartest? "Me", and two others. Best girl athlete? "Me", and three others. Cutest girl? "Me". Best Singer? "Me" and one other.

One of the things I had hoped when I left my job was that by being at home I would be able to help my kids develop a strong feeling of self worth, without being arrogant. That they would have a quiet confidence about them, that they know they can do anything they set their minds to, yet are respectful of both others and the challenges they might face.

Looks like mission accomplished with O!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Saturday morning we asked the Tornado what he wished for on his birthday and he said he wanted to go to the beach. With the Big O away for a sleepover, the rest of us decided we would go over around sunset.

We stopped at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries on the way to the beach and had a little picnic on the beach. Dinner was tasty, and we had a wonderful time on the beach. The sunset was beautiful, we were the only ones on our little section on the beach, and we had a real special time together.

We also saw a cool shadow in the clouds as the sun was going down. Once in a while you have one of those special nights, where everything goes just perfect and everyone just has a truly good time. Tonight was one of those nights. The sun finally set, we packed up the buckets, the frisbee, and a the dead starfish that the Bear found, and headed home. Birthday wish fulfilled. :)

Sunday came, and with it came the "real" party. We had the Tornado's best friend over, along with the rest of their family. They have kids in each of our kids grades, and we get along with the parents great too. Grandma, Grandpa and Oma all came over as well, for a cookout, some football, cake and presents. The Tornado never came to tears as the birthday boys and girls often do. He had a fun day with his friends, played like crazy, enjoyed his presents and sprayed everyone with his silly string.

As everyone settled down for the night, laying in their beds, I went in to give the Tornado a hug and a kiss goodnight. He told me he loved me after the hug and kiss, and as I walked from the room, he said aloud, but as if he was saying it to no one in particular, "That was the best birthday ever", and rolled over and drifted to sleep.

Happy #4 big guy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


The Tornado turned 4 on October 2nd, man, that's tough to believe. We had a 4 day celebration that started with our last Rays game of the season. The Rays lost, which was a bummer. But everyone got a baseball at the game, which was pretty neat. There were nachos, candy, cotton candy, and subs throughout the game. That's not normal, but hey, it's his birthday right? On the way out, riding down the escalator, he asked his mommy to carry him. So she did, and he gently lay his cheek on her shoulder. It was beautiful. Until....all those nachos, candy, cotton candy and subs came roaring back! After a clean up job, for Mommy and the Tornado, we got back in the car and arrived home at midnight.

The next day Grandma and Grandpa brought his new drum set over for him to play with. He LOVES it - and so does Cooper. They are quite a pair now, Tornado playing and Cooper "harmonizing". We watched a movie as a family after dinner, and then to bed, with the birthday celebration to continue the next day...