Monday, September 7, 2009


The Bear and the Tornado love being together. They now sleep in the same room, she helps him take his showers, they are with each other whenever one goes upstairs to change or get something. But like any two people who spend LOTS of time together, they get on each other's nerves. Often. For the first two plus years of the Tornado's life, this was completely acceptable. The last year though? Less acceptable. Yesterday they were playing on Webkinz, and Bear was giving some instructions to the Tornado. He finally snaps, and says "You think you a parent??!!! You a stinky little parent!" Laughter ensues, he gets even more frustrated...tension building...then more laughter.
Of course when I got back from a run the day before, O told me that Bear wasn't listening to her regarding being in charge. I guess everyone wants a little control, huh? Not that it matters much, Gramma declared herself the Big Dog last week, so we are all just part of the pack I guess.
The picture was taken after basketball practice with O yesterday too. It was REAL hot, and the kids decided they would pour some ice water on each others heads. O went first, then Bear, then the Tornado. They had fun, and I had fun watching them all enjoy themselves together.

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