Saturday, September 19, 2009


The Bear has a heart as big as anyone I have ever met. She's only 8, yet she's always thinking of others. Most kids are in their own world, they rarely think about how their actions affect others. Bear isn't like that. She's always thinking of ways to make others happy.

Last week she heard me talking to Grandpop about how much I liked Ichiro, how much I enjoyed watching him play. Well, about an hour later, she comes down from her room and hands me something. It's an Ichiro baseball card that she had. She says,"I heard you say how much you liked him and figured you might like this card...I can always get another one."

Two days ago she finished her homework, yet kept working on something. After dinner I saw a card laying on the kitchen counter. She had written a letter to her Godfather who lives about 1500 miles away. The letter said how much she missed him and his little girls. I asked her why she wrote it and she answered that she thought he would enjoy getting a letter.

She's always making little cards and crafts for me and her mother. She just always has others on her mind. But it's not always purely without alterior motives.

This week her and O were really lax with leaving doors open, lights on, things like that. In fact, O changed the thermostat after being told not to do it, because she felt it was too hot. So I explained to both of them that things such as electricity are expensive, and we need to do our best to conserve them. The more we save on those things, the more we have for things we like to do. Later in the week, she had an assignment in school to write three things she wishes for. She got in the car after school and told me about the assignment. Then she explained that her first wish was for "lower house insurance". I started laughing, because that wasn't one of the things I discussed as being expensive, however The CEO and I have been discussing it quite a bit lately as our renewal is due soon. So when I asked why she wrote that she responded that she knew it was expensive and it would help us if it was less. Then she added "plus, I'd like to go to 7-11 once in a while". :)

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