Sunday, August 23, 2009


The question finally came 10 days ago. It was after basketball, and O was getting ready for bed. She had been asking about getting a cell phone, and I had been telling her no. I asked her "if Santa doesn't bring you a cell phone, what would you like for Christmas?" She responded, "I know it's you and Mom." I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about, then she added "it's OK Daddy, I've know for a while". I asked her how she knew and she mentioned some time about me saying how much it would cost to replace a present that Santa had brought.

She started to tear up, and then so did I. We talked about growing up, about how some of the magical things in life suddenly don't seem as magical anymore. Like Santa Claus, like the Tooth Fairy, like having a baby. We talked about Morgan dying and how that was a "grown up" thing to deal with. I told her that she'll be facing some disappointments as she gets older, like finding out about Santa, but there are other things that will be magical in a more grown up way. As she was crying, I told her that it's still fun to enjoy Christmas, and believe in the idea of Santa, and the Tooth Fairy. It's fun to imagine that magical things can happen, because sometimes they do.

We talked about not trying to grow up too fast, to enjoy the now. Of course it's natural to be looking forward, to driving, to boys, to high school, whatever. But enjoy being 10, feeling free to be silly. She is the serious one of the kids, and I just don't want her to rush herself through a lot of good times.

It'll be a great Christmas, as we talked about watching The Tornado and Bear still believe, and seeing Christmas from a different vantage point. So yes O, Santa is real, and he loves you very much!

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