Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hold you me!

That's what the Tornado always says when he wants you to pick him up. He's got tons of other great ways of saying things, like "Please you..." whenever he wants you to do something for him. All of his drawings are "his masterpieces". He lives in "Flordida". My favorite is "You my best friend." "I get it, I get it" with the hand held out at you, eyes closed and head nodding. When Cooper needs to go out, he announces "DOG AT DOOR!!!" "You don't turn the light off on the people" when he's in the closet picking out a tshirt. "That's an accident" after doing something to agitate his sisters.
There are many more that I can't recall at the moment - but as O called him when he was just a year old, he's "The Happy Machine". He brings joy to many people, and for that I am thankful.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


The question finally came 10 days ago. It was after basketball, and O was getting ready for bed. She had been asking about getting a cell phone, and I had been telling her no. I asked her "if Santa doesn't bring you a cell phone, what would you like for Christmas?" She responded, "I know it's you and Mom." I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about, then she added "it's OK Daddy, I've know for a while". I asked her how she knew and she mentioned some time about me saying how much it would cost to replace a present that Santa had brought.

She started to tear up, and then so did I. We talked about growing up, about how some of the magical things in life suddenly don't seem as magical anymore. Like Santa Claus, like the Tooth Fairy, like having a baby. We talked about Morgan dying and how that was a "grown up" thing to deal with. I told her that she'll be facing some disappointments as she gets older, like finding out about Santa, but there are other things that will be magical in a more grown up way. As she was crying, I told her that it's still fun to enjoy Christmas, and believe in the idea of Santa, and the Tooth Fairy. It's fun to imagine that magical things can happen, because sometimes they do.

We talked about not trying to grow up too fast, to enjoy the now. Of course it's natural to be looking forward, to driving, to boys, to high school, whatever. But enjoy being 10, feeling free to be silly. She is the serious one of the kids, and I just don't want her to rush herself through a lot of good times.

It'll be a great Christmas, as we talked about watching The Tornado and Bear still believe, and seeing Christmas from a different vantage point. So yes O, Santa is real, and he loves you very much!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So Sunday we headed back up to St. Pete for a Rays game against the Blue Jays. The Rays are hanging on the fringes of the playoff race, about 4 games out of the Wild Card, and need every win they can get. With two outs in the bottom of the 8th, tied at 1, Maddon sends up Greg Zaun to pinch hit. After working the count full, Zaun launches a fastball deep to right, two rows deep for a grand slam!! FEEL THE HEAT RAYS!! The Rays went on to the 5-2 victory, and kept hopes alive for another day.

After the game, the kids got to hit wiffle balls out in left field for the first time, as usually they decide to run the bases. Then we headed to Ybor City in Tampa for the season ticket holders party at GameWorks.

WOW! What a great night. 14 of the players came to the party: Matt Garza, James Shields, David Price, Jeff Niemann, Scott Kazmir, Ben Zobrist, Jason Bartlett, BJ Upton, Gabe Gross, Gabe Kapler, JP Howell, Lance Cormier, Grant Balfour and Dioner Navarro. We had been expecting a couple to show, but it was cool to see so many of them make it. The kids got lots of autographs, and pictures with about 10 of the players (David Price shown above). The food was great, the kids loved the chocolate fountain, they all got to play some games too. The Bear got a "big head" picture done of herself (a caricature), which she is something she has always wanted...who knew?? They also had a green screen picture thing that allowed us all to be put into a shot of a home plate celebration after a Longoria walk off homer against the Red Sox. The picture is pretty funny.

But the definite highlight was the kids getting to meet the players. Most of the players were very easy to walk up to and ask for a picture, or talk with them for a bit. For the most part they seemed very down to earth and genuinely friendly, which was great to see. It makes them so much more likeable and easy to root for. Scott Kazmir and Ben Zobrist were my favorites, as they seemed very humble, and interested in being there with the fans. We were able to get some really great shots with the players and kids together, a nice memory for them down the road. BJ Upton was someone the girls really wanted to get a pic with, but he was just swamped by people. He moved from one part of the room to the other with a swarm of people moving with his every step. The girls tried to get into the swarm and get an autograph, but the adults were pushing and shoving, and the Bear got jostled pretty good. He left, and the Bear was pretty disappointed, but got over it.

It was a great night all around, and a wonderful job by the Rays and the players to do something nice for their biggest supporters. Go Rays!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Day of School

Monday was the first day of school for O and Bear.

O is entering 5th grade and Bear the 3rd grade. Bear has the same teacher O had last year, and O has her religion teacher from 3rd grade. The introductory meeting with the teacher for O was pretty interesting as she seems very stern. O came home on Monday and said "I think I'm gonna like her a lot, she's very organized." That's my O!

The Bear also liked her teacher. Bear is much different than O, she needs to be treated with kid gloves. O likes the more firm disciplinarian, while the Bear likes the softer, gentler leader. So Bear says,"I like her, she says things like schtuff". Bear is too funny, she likes that she can laugh with the teacher.

So the first couple days have gone well. Bear moved up to neon orange in AR, she's cruising right along. O, I don't know if she even has a color anymore. She's such a wonderful reader, and enjoys it so much she just cruises through her assignments. Hopefully they will both continue to do well, I'm sure they will.

Tornado, quite a shock how he's responded to not having his sisters around. I figured he would miss them terribly, but he really hasn't. Seems as though he's more than happy to have his Daddy time back. We've been building marble towers, reading, playing on the computer and playing in the yard. I just want to make sure I enjoy as much of this last year with him as possible.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Let Them Be Little

Thursday was a life changing day for The Big O. She's a little late to the "tooth fairy isn't real" party, OK really late. As far as we know, she still believes in Santa too. That's one of the great things about O, she allows herself to believe the unbelievable, to dream about the unimaginable. She's always been that way, she thinks about how things can happen, most of us think about why things can't or won't happen. I absolutely love that about her.

But she just learned that the tooth fairy doesn't really exist. To understand how much this devastated her, you have to understand that the Tooth Fairy was her pen pal for almost 3 years. She told the TF things she wouldn't tell Mom and Dad. She shared school stories, "crushes", feelings of joy and disappointment. To find out that this being didn't exist, well, I think it's going to be less upsetting when she soon finds out about Santa. This was a friend who wasn't there anymore.

But The CEO discussed it with her, told her how we saved all of her letters, and our responses, and she was pretty excited by this. in fact, she told The Bear she could now be pen pals with the TF as O was almost out of teeth. Then she asked if she could help writing the letters to Bear and Tornado. Of course we said sure.

After this talk, the CEO sensed an opportunity. The Birds and the Bees. It was time. So they discussed it, and O's response was "so Daddy had to do that to you?? Disgusting." In the morning I mentioned it in passing, and she said she didn't want to talk about it with me really. Which is fine. So now she's a little more informed, and a little less a little girl, a little more young lady.

I decided to write this blog because I thought this might be a year of changes. This wasn't one of the ones I had in mind. Sure, I knew it was coming, probably like O sensed the Tooth Fairy and Santa weren't real. But when it hits you, when the reality is staring you in the face, it's pretty jarring. Wasn't it just yesterday we were learning to ride a bike? Heck, learning to walk? Laying in the bed at Gateway with Oreo cookie all over her face laughing so hard the bed shook?

I see her getting older and it makes me so sad and happy and excited all at once. I think about what was, what is, and what will be. Whatever the time, I'll love her all the same.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Settling Back In

We've been back for a week and a half now, and O arrived last night. So the summer vacations are all over, and it's back to the regular schedule.

We had a nice week getting back into the routine at home, as the Bear and Tornado spent some time playing on the computer and playing outside. The CEO was giving Tornado some grief about how to do something two nights ago. He throws his hand up, as if he's telling her to stop and says "I get it Mom, I get it". Pretty good stuff.

They both had their basketball practices, and he is really enjoying those. He started crying the day after his practice because he thought his "game was this day", which it wasn't. Bear keeps getting better, she's so quick when she wants to be. It'll be fun watching her improve as she gets older.

We went up to a couple Rays games on Sunday and Monday. James Shields lost a no hitter in the 8th on Sunday. I've never seen a no-no before, and that was the longest I've ever see one go in person. In the bottom of the 7th, I look over at the CEO and say "are you aware of what is going on here?" She glances over at me, gives an eye roll and says no. I look towards the scoreboard, she looks at it and says OOOOOHHHH. Unfortunately, he gave up a hit to the leadoff guy and the magic was over. They went on to lose the game 4-1, ugh.

Bear, Tornado and I went back up to see Kazmir vs Greinke on Monday. The Rays went bananas and pounded the Royals for a nice win. After the game we were talking to Mrs. Martha, another season ticket holder who has fallen for Tornado. Her husband asked the Bear when O was coming home and Bear told him Tuesday. Then he asked if she was excited, and she said "Yes" emphatically. He said "Really?" She smiled and said yes again. She loves her sister, and boy did she miss her.

So now O is back, we were back out on the driveway working on the hoops games Tuesday. We went to get O's school shoes, and hopped over to Sports Authority for some athletic shoes for the Bear. She informed me as she was whining "I don't like shoe shopping", and I replied "Guess how much I love it!!". After a while of back and forth on a pair of shoes that most definitely fit, she informs me that "they fit great but they aren't comfortable." Oh boy. Well, we got them anyway, and headed out of the store. I'm sure there will be some good times ahead with these shoes :)