Friday, September 10, 2010

My New Position

For months I wondered what I would do once the Tornado left for school. How would I fill the day, what would I look forward to, just for me, each day. Well, a phone call came while we were out on our trip, and it was from the coach of the 7th/8th grade coach at SFX. He said he needed to talk to me, and I had a good idea what he wanted to talk about. Turns out I was right, he was looking for an assistant coach at his new job, Head Coach at the local high school for the girls varsity team.

I was flattered that he would ask me, and I was immediately interested. After interviewing with the AD, and meeting some of the girls on the team, I was excited to do it. Then, after a meeting with the AD and the principal, the AD told me this would mean not coaching the 5th/6th girls team, and not coaching the High Hoops team. I knew I couldn't coach 8th graders, but 5th and 6th graders too?

I was torn between wanting to take on this new challenge, and feeling like I was letting the girls from the High Hoops team, and Frank (the co-coach of that team) down. I had never had such a good experience coaching as I did with the High Hoops team. They worked hard, they listened, the played together, just a treat to coach. Would I regret giving that up? I called Frank and he basically told me I had to try the high school job, that who knows when that would become available again. The CEO said the same thing. Frank assured me he wasn't upset, and that he would be able to get someone else to fill in as needed. I explained to O why I did it, so I can coach her and the Bear in high school, and while upset she understood. She knows Coach Frank is a super guy, and knows she'll enjoy the team.

I've been doing the conditioning sessions with the high school team for about a month now, and it's been very enjoyable. The girls have been mostly excellent to work with, and most of them really work hard. We've had to give a couple "let's focus" speeches, but that's to be expected. I'm looking forward to practices and games starting, and seeing how both Mark and I respond to the new level of intensity. I'm anxious about it, but that's the way I am. It might take a little while for us to get a good thing going, but we both work hard at it, and we care about the kids, and I think that will serve us well in the long run.

As my Mom and Dad always say, there is a plan, God is watching over us. One door closed and another one has opened. I'm happy for this opportunity and am curious about where this path will lead.

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