Friday, March 26, 2010


It's been forever since I wrote. Maybe because I've been recovering from the Miami Marathon. For months my buddy Brad, the tall one, had been saying he and Rob were coming down to Miami to run the marathon if I would do it with them. I said I would, but I really didn't think they would go through with it. About 6 weeks before the race Brad sent me an email saying they had hotel and plane reservations. Oooph! Time to ramp up the training in a hurry!
So I started to hit the pavement a little harder, managed to get two 14 mile runs in, but never got all the work done I needed to be ready. Then, like an idiot, I twisted my knee playing hoop the Monday before the race. I could barely bend my left leg 3 days before the race.
Brad raced out at the start, never to be seen again. Rob started behind us in a different corral, and was not seen again until the last quarter mile when Brad ran back to find him. It took me just about 6 hours to finish the race. Which all things considered wasn't horrible.
We had fun talking about it before and after the race though, it was great to hang with the guys for the weekend. We all finished, the course was fantastic, and we all felt pretty decent afterwards.
Congrats to all 3 of us!

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