Saturday, January 23, 2010


The Tornado, as mentioned earlier, is going through a period of expanding his independence. One of those steps is wiping your own rear end. Unfortunately, he has no interest in doing this task. Yesterday, after having an "accident" on the bathroom floor, he sat on the toilet and went #2. As I was cleaning up the urine from the floor, he finished and asked me to wipe him. I told him he had to do it himself. He starts bawling, then yelling "Daddy doesn't love me anymore!!!"

I started laughing, as I considered me standing there, mop and paper towels in hand, cleaning up my son's mess while he tells me I don't love him. I assured him that I still do indeed love him, and that it's part of growing up. He sobbed "OK", and did his best.

On a side note - as we were picking the girls up at school, he comes at me with this question,"Hey Dad, why does everyone have eyebrows?" How great are kids? Who thinks of that question? Who knows the answer to that question? Well, I do now, and so does the Tornado! It's to keep sweat out of your eyes, and the shape of the eyebrow diverts sweat and rain to the sides of your face.

So thanks Tornado, I taught you something yesterday and you taught me something yesterday!

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