Sunday, October 17, 2010


The CEO is out of town, leaving me at home with the three little rascals. I had a CPR class to go to in the AM, so they spent the morning at a friends house. We got home and had some lunch, and with my back really bothering me, I laid down on the couch and the kids watched a movie.

I had told them that after a little rest we would be planting a bunch of flowers as a surprise for Mommy. They were a little grumpy about the idea, but said OK, they would help when it was time.

We went outside at about 4:30, and began digging. The weather was great, and they were enthusiastic about helping. Sometimes they start that way, but finish a little less enthusiastic. Not today though. They were digging, they were planting, they were carrying, you name it they were doing it. We were joking with each other, telling stories (mostly them and me listening), the Tornado was drumming on the empty flower pots on the porch. It was delightful.

About 3 hours later, as the sun was setting on the river, the Tornado and I got the hose out and sprayed some water on the flowers. The girls were cleaning up, putting the shovels and gloves away. We all kind of stood there, admiring the work, and I told them for the next 7 months as they are playing outside they can watch the flowers grown and admire all the hard work they put into planting them and helping them grow.

Kind of like me watching them...

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