Thursday, August 19, 2010

Now Go Have an Adventure!

The day is finally here. Honestly, I never really thought it would come. For almost 5 years, pretty much 5 days of every week, for 8 hours every day, it was just me and the Tornado.

I know how blessed I was to have that time. As my friend told me, most Dads don't get to spend that much time with their kids their entire life. And that's true; to be at home with him, see all of his firsts, be there for so many ups and downs was a gift.

But mostly it was just the time together, actually just BEING together, that I treasure the most. I kept trying to think of something to do with our final day before school started, something really really special. As I thought more about it, I realized it was just the togetherness that is what I wanted to celebrate. So we woke up and had breakfast together. Then we watched a couple episodes of Phineas and Ferb while cuddling on the couch. We had a little snack, then we built some train tracks, as we did pretty much every day. We played for a while on the playstation, and had some lunch (SpongeBob mac & cheese!). We played football catch, hit some baseballs, then came in and read some books. Then it was time to pick up the girls from school, and our time as just Daddy and the Tornado was over.

At bed time I went to tuck him in, and read Zen Shorts to him. After the book, I laid down for a minute and told him how much fun he would have at school. How he was going to make some great friends, and learn lots of fantastic things. He looked at me and started to cry. I tired not to cry too, it was really tough. Then he said,"I'm gonna miss you when I'm in school." I lost it. I gave him a big hug, and told him how much I loved him, and left the room. Mommy went in and talked with him for a little. I went back in after regaining some composure, and told him we could still build tracks and play baseball and all that good stuff every day. He said OK, and smiled, and rolled over.

Mommy and I dropped him off this morning (after saying his shoes didn't feel right - ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!), and he ran to see his good friend Gray. He dropped his stuff in his cubby, and hustled to the ring toss game. Then to the cars and blocks. He was trying to get Gray to play with him, but Gray was having a tough moment leaving his Mom. After a few minutes, they were doing their thing together, big smiles and wide eyes. The teacher told them all to sit as school was ready to begin, and time for us to leave. One last hug and off we went.

I am so happy for him! He hasn't had his own friends for so long, and I know he's gonna love it. That doesn't make it any easier for me unfortunately. When I walked back into the empty house, and didn't hear "can I watch my show", or "can I have a snack", or "wanna play football catch", I felt sad. I know it will pass, and I'll find something to fill the time. But nothing will fill the light of joy I've had every day spending time with my son. I love you buddy, now go have an adventure!!

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