Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The Tornado had his first ever team practice last night. It's a 3 and 4 year old basketball team with a start-up youth sports organization. So actually, right now it's just him and two other youngsters. The organizer is expecting the league to grow over the summer, we'll see. But it's a nice initiation for The Tornado into the world of sharing with other people.

The coach did a nice job getting the boys to do some dribbling, some passing, of course they all wanted to shoot alot. The Tornado really enjoyed making a little runner, falling to the ground, and sprinting to the water fountain to stay hydrated.

Of course he was awesome, dribbling around cones with his right, with his left, knocking shots down from all over the floor. Here's a short video of one of his buckets...

Afterwards he said he "has a good team" and had fun, so it was a great night. Look out Stevie Nash!!

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