Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We'rrrreeeee Baaaaaack

The family arrived back in town on Sat. the 25th. 3000 miles of driving up and back the east coast always makes for big fun. We spent a little over a week in the Poconos, and the trip is detailed below. ENJOY!

July 14th - Tornado, Big O, Cooper and I hit the streets about 9am. It's Cooper's first road trip, so it takes him a couple hours to settle in. Overall, the day goes great and we arrive in Pooler Georgia around 4:30. We check into the hotel, take the dog for a walk, then head to the pool. After some splashing around in the pool, we grabbed some pizza at Lovezzolla's next door. This was the night of the all-star game, so we all tuned in to watch. During President Obama's appearance in the broadcast booth during a lengthy half inning, Big O says "Is this a talk show or the All-Star Game?" The girl loves her baseball! About mid-game everyone had fallen asleep getting ready for a long day ahead. All in all it was a pretty relaxing day 1...the next day...not so much.

July 15th - Ugh. We had planned on getting to my sister's house in Silver Spring Maryland around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. That would have required us to get on the road by 7 or so. Well, between taking forever to get the dog to go to the bathroom, making waffles in the breakfast area, getting gas, loading the dog crate, etc. etc, we didn't get on the road until well after 8. As I looked for a place to stop for lunch, the Tornado announces he has to go to the bathroom. Traffic had started to back up on 95, and in the middle of NC, there isn't an exit every other mile, so I knew we were in trouble. I finally find an exit and rush into the Wendy's parking lot, jump out of the car and whip open the door next to the Tornado's seat. Unfortunately, I was too late. The seat was soaked, as were his pants and shirt (the bottom half). I take him out of the car and instruct O to walk Cooper around the grass surrounding the parking lot. The Tornado gets his clothes off and decides he still needs to go! So BOOM! Here he is in the Wendy's parking lot, totally naked, holding himself and peeing!

Everyone, including me, decides that Wendy's isn't where we want to eat for lunch and head back onto 95. As soon as we get back on, the traffic comes to a halt. We pull off at the next exit and decide that we'll get chik fil a for lunch. Sadly, it turns out the chik fil a is almost 5 miles from the exit ("only 3 lights from 95"!!) We get our lunch and head back out. "I need to go poooooooooopies". AAAAAAAAARRGGGGGGGHHHHHH! We stop once again in the general Raleigh area at one of the strangest places I've ever seen. It was a multi-stall co-ed bathroom! O was mortified by this development, as there was another man in the room while we were there. She decided to wait. Meanwhile, Tornado is again taking his clothes off since he can't sit on the toilet with his pants on for some reason. Another 20 minutes down the tubes so to speak, and off we go.

But not too fast as the traffic is still ridiculous. 3 hours and 30 miles later we finally escape the Raleigh area. We manage to drive a couple more hours before entering the Gates of Hell, otherwise known as the Northern Virginia/DC corridor of 95. I call my sister and tell her we are "close" but probably still far away. We pull up to my sister's place around 7:30 - and filled with excitement Cooper starts to relieve himself in the car. Luckily I had blankets and towels all over the car so there was no damage to the car. The kids smell, the car smells, the dog smells, I smell, but at least we are there. I'm amazed at how well the kids did in the car. O liked watching the movies, but Tornado just likes "looking at the cars and trucks go by". No whining, no arguing..rather helping each other, some laughs along the way. One more day to go.

July 16th - We all got up at my sisters house had some breakfast and headed down to Sligo Creek. The kids love going down to the creek and playing in the water and on the rocks. It's some good ol' fashioned fun. We went back to the house had some lunch and we were on our way. Four and a half hours later we are in the Poconos, and everyone is excited! The long trip was over and it was time for fun.

July 17th - Not much happened this day, I was exhausted and just wanted to hang out in the house. I flipped back and forth from one side to the other on the couch, watching the British Open. The kids went outside and pretended they were riding horses in the woods, played horseshoes, went to the pool, just kind of a lazy day. Big day tomorrow.

July 18th - The CEO is due in town around noon, me and the kids are going to Allentown to pick her up. We grab her and head to the suburbs of the Big Apple to see some close friends. They have 3 kids, all a little younger than ours, but 2 girls and a boy. Driving through the NYC was brutal, and we arrived a little late. But once there, all the kids were playing together and having fun. It's always great to see how kids, who really don't know each other at all, can just jump in and play together without any hang ups. One of the many beautiful aspects of children. The visit gives my buddy and I some time to plan our baseball trip this fall, hammer out a roto baseball trade (I got killed as it turns out), and play with the kids. We take off around 9 and get back to the Poconos exhausted about 11 and hit the sack. Great day.

July 19th - Sunday was going to be a day for the CEO to rest a little, I was going to watch Tom Watson at age 59 try to win the British Open and the kids were going to play around the house. We lounged around in the morning, as Watson missed a putt on 18 that cost him the title. He went on to lose in a playoff, and we went on to see the new Harry Potter movie at Split Rock. Yikes - was that bad. The girls seemed to enjoy it, but man, I fell asleep once, went for more popcorn once, tried checking baseball scores on the phone (no service), basically anything but watch the movie as there was next to nothing to hold your attention. With HP mercifully over, it was back to the house for some horseshoes (Bear and I beat O and CEO). Then we settled down for the night with a couple games of chinese checkers and Yahtzee!

July 20th - Monday the wife and I drove to the Lehigh Valley Gorge for a bike ride then to Jim Thorpe for lunch. The bike ride was wonderful, it was a spectacular day - and what's better than a day with my wife! (answer - nothing). We rode about 7 miles, not a long ride, but we took it slow. Then we walked over to the cave that is by the river, which is really cool. The CEO had not seen it before, she thought it was neat too. We drove the couple miles to Jim Thorpe to walk around and have some lunch. We had lunch at the Molly Maguire restaurant. Pretty decent, we ate outside on a 2nd story deck, it was nice. Unfortunately many of the shops were closed, so there weren't as many places to visit as we expected. But like I said above, I got to spend the whole day with my wife, so it was a wonderful day all around.

July 21st - Honestly, I forget what the heck we did this day. I'm sure it was fun. I do know we roasted marshmellows outside and made s'mores at night - hmmmmm s'mores. Oh wait - I just remembered - we went to Boulder Field. This awesome collection of giant boulders that we visit every time we come up. It is larger, much larger than a football field, of nothing but boulders. It takes about 30 minutes to cross with the kids, and this time with Cooper. There are blueberry bushes at the other end that the kids like to pick. Unfortunately this day the blueberries hadn't ripened yet, so there was no loot to haul out. But the kids and parents still enjoyed it, and Cooper was shot by the end of the morning.

July 22nd - Wednesday was Knoebels day. This is an old fashioned type amusement park that is about an hour from Grandma and Grandpa's house. We head out there in the afternoon and let the kids loose. Tornado went absolutely nuts. He ran from ride to ride, huge smile on his face, exclaiming "I wanna do that one!" over and over. O likes doing the larger rides, and I went on one of the old style wooden coasters they have. You get the feeling your life is about to end because of the noise the wooden coasters make, but it is a fantastic ride. She did many other of the bigger rides, mostly on her own. She rode one thing over and over, spinning fast, bouncing up and down, I could barely watch it. The Bear likes the calmer rides, but she seemed a little preoccupied for some reason, until the Ferris Wheel.

This was the last ride of the day, and was the only ride the five of us went on together. As we were going up the first time Bear says "I've never been on a ferris wheel before" with an ear to ear smile. She liked this one. As the workers are loading people at the bottom, and we are near the top, Tornado announces he "needs to go paaaaaaattttteeeeeee" and starts bouncing in his seat. We try to convince him he can hold it, but he thinks otherwise. The CEO makes a decision that he can go in the extra shirt we were holding for him in case he got cold instead of going in his pants. She tells him to take his pants off, on the ferris wheel, and to go into the shirt. Being three, and not yet a great shot, he does it as best he can, but it starts spraying all over the cart we were in. The girls found this to be beyond hilarious and were laughing hysterically, which in turn caused him to begin laughing, which caused his already questionable aim to deteriorate even further. We all got a good belly laugh, and when we departed the cart (we wiped it up) I had to laugh as he was leaving footprints on the exit ramp.

July 23rd - Our last day in the Poconos, and I decided that we should go to Bushkill Falls for a hike. we had not been there before, heard my Uncle had proposed to my aunt there 50+ years ago, and heard it was a nice place for a day outdoors. we took Cooper, and GMA decided to come too. Once there we decided on the long route - which was about 2 and a half miles. Midway through we found out that we went in the more difficult direction causing us to have to do more climbing. It was fantastic though! The falls were beautiful and the hike was great. All the kids were fantastic, Cooper climbed without problems, and GMA held up well too, was proud of her.

It took us about 3 hours to make it all the way around, and a great 3 hours it was. The kids even got to "mine for gems" and came away with some goodies there.

July 24th - Today we hit the road and leave O behind with GMA and GPA. We took off at about 7:15 in the morning. Oh, I forget to mention that the A/C in the car stopped working the day before, so were heading back without it. No problems making our way through PA and the northern part of Maryland. You know it's coming though. You can't avoid it. You pray it won't be there but it is...the ramp onto 95 in Northern Virginia. Words cannot describe how awful this part of any drive is. I cannot ever remember driving through this 15 miles stretch without cursing everyone and everything in sight. This time was no different. There we sat, barely moving, passing a sign that reads "Speed Limit 65", and I laughed out loud. The windows are down, exhaust fumes from the large trucks filling the car, dog panting, it's reading 94 on the car thermometer, good times. If only we knew just how good. A few minutes later, Tornado gets a "my belly hurts" out just in time to say he let us know before he vomited all over himself. Out of wipes? Check. Out of trash bags? Check. Out of towels or napkins even? Check. The CEO hops in the back to clean him up the best she can before we get to a stopping place. But alas, with us going less than 5 miles an hour, and a flashing sign reading "expect 14 miles", who knows when we will get there. Finally we find an exit with a gas station about an hour later, get some water and stuff to clean him up, then back onto the parking lot that is 95.

The plan was to head to UR and have lunch on campus. The 2-3 delay had us wavering, but I decided i was not going to let the miserable part of the trip ruing the good part. So we stopped at the Ukrops down the street from campus and got some more cleanup supplies and lunch and made our way to UR. As always campus was beautiful. Lots of construction going on, building the new football stadium and more residence halls/academic buildings. We ate lunch and walked a round a little. I went and checked out Freeman Hall where I spent 3 wonderful years. It was locked and thus couldn't get in to see the old rooms - kinda bummed out by that, but oh well. We walked down to the commons, showed the Bear the bench where the CEO and I discussed gettin' serious, and Boatwright Beach where I lazied many a day away. A stop at the bookstore for some goodies, a chat with a prospective and her Mom, and we were back in the car and on our way.

We found our resting point in Fayetteville, NC. Finally. Got some chow at the Cracker Barrel next door to the hotel and of to sleep. What a day.

July 25th - ON the road by 7:30, staring down a 12 hour drive with no A/C. But wait! The travel gods were with us as the A/C started working sporadically, which was enough to be able to keep the windows shut and keep the fumes out. Today was much less eventful, no vomit, no traffic, all good. We make it home just before 8, and the trip is officially over. It was another great trip to the Northeast, even if there were some pitfalls, but those are to be expected. We made it up and back safely, had lots of laughs while we were there. One of the things I like the most about the road trips is that we all really get to spend some time together. Life is so hectic, everyone so busy that we rarely get to share time together, all enjoying the same thing. We are blessed to be able to have that time together, and for that I am very thankful. I've got some ideas for a road trip for next summer, but those plans are for another time...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Here Come The Rays!!

The Big O, The Tornado and I went to the Rays game yesterday. We had fun, as usual, and the Rays won a tight 3-2 contest. The lights partially went out, which was a little crazy, particularly since there were about 20,000 kids there on Parks and Rec day, and they all started screaming and shrieking. Once they threw the Bugs Bunny cartoon on the scoreboard though, everyone settled down.

The big fun from yesterday though was The Big O learning how to keep score. We've been to quite a few games over the past few years, and The Big O has gotten more and more into the games. Watching her write down the plays, asking what the proper notation on a deflection by the pitcher, it just made me feel good. Growing up going to games with my Dad was really special, learning how to keep score from him, it's really special. Thanks O, for letting me share in your fun.

We head back up tonight with a couple of The Big O's friends for the game and the Smashmouth concert. Should be a great time! Let's Go Rays!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The Tornado had his first ever team practice last night. It's a 3 and 4 year old basketball team with a start-up youth sports organization. So actually, right now it's just him and two other youngsters. The organizer is expecting the league to grow over the summer, we'll see. But it's a nice initiation for The Tornado into the world of sharing with other people.

The coach did a nice job getting the boys to do some dribbling, some passing, of course they all wanted to shoot alot. The Tornado really enjoyed making a little runner, falling to the ground, and sprinting to the water fountain to stay hydrated.

Of course he was awesome, dribbling around cones with his right, with his left, knocking shots down from all over the floor. Here's a short video of one of his buckets...

Afterwards he said he "has a good team" and had fun, so it was a great night. Look out Stevie Nash!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


to the US of A. We woke up yesterday morning, gathered the troops together and headed out to pick up OMA and The Bear before heading to Sanibel Island's 4th of July parade. It's a small parade, very Anytown USA feel to it. It's cars and floats, police on motorcycles, and some folks riding Segways down the main street on Sanibel. The kids love this parade because it's like Halloween in July...the people in the parade throw candy out as they drive/walk by, or they throw beach balls, or hand out balloons. All of the kids walk away with a giant bag full of candy each year, so much that they are even willing to share!!

And speaking of balloons, often times the people (usually kids) on the floats will squirt the crowd with powerful water guns. Since it's so stinkin' hot most people really enjoy that. As I was video taping the parade and the family, a water balloon is launched from one of the floats and hits another Dad smack in the face! Of course the CEO, standing right behind the guy, loses it and has to turn away. She's real sympathetic like that :) He checks around, yells out "Who threw that?" eyes up The Big O as if maybe she was the culprit, then fixes his eyes on the float from where it came. It was pretty doggone funny. Even funnier was the dude going over a little later to fan off his wife and getting yelled at to "Get away from me!" Poor Alfie, he didn't have the happiest 4th of the July.

After the parade we headed over to the Boy Scout party, where they have water slides, bounce house, hot dogs and snow cones. It's a lot of fun for the kids, and adds to the small town feel of the day.

We all came home and had a crazy cookout at night - the kids were so wound up from all the candy and activities of the day. Cooper (our dog) was freaked out by all the fireworks since it was his first 4th of July, and that added to the craziness of the night. He got to sleep in our room for the first time, and The CEO said it went well, so he might have been freed from the nightly crate ritual for good.

And with that another 4th of July has come and gone, and the Summer of '09 is halfway through.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Well, the CEO and I celebrated our 16th anniversary last night. We decided that our favorite moments of the past year came when our family took a weekend trip for a sprint triathlon to Lake Worth. The waves were big, the smiles were bigger, and The Bear even managed to get crushed by a wave and come up laughing! And I came in 2nd place in my division for the first time ever!

We also had a wonderful time on our trip with the WE family to the Bahamas and we've got the pictures to prove it.

Last night we ate at a new place for us called Brew Babies. The food was excellent, from the grilled scallops appetizer to the peach and blueberry cobbler for dessert. They have some music, and a nice courtyard area to eat outside. Of course the best part of the meal was the company!

So Happy Anniversary to my awesome wife - the best friend a guy could ask for!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Let's get this party started!!!

Why not write a blog? Are you keeping a journal? Can we go to McDonalds? These questions are just a sample of the many I've been asked over and over in my 8 years as a stay-at-home Dad.

So why am I starting today? First, I've been transferring old videos to DVD over the past few weeks and am getting all nostalgic. Christmas programs, climbing the stairs for the first time, the first soccer game. Lots of laughs and a few tears have pushed me to try to keep better notes of what is happening in the lives of our gang. Secondly, this may be my last year as a SAHD, as my youngest will be entering school in the fall of 2010. More on that later...but I wanted to have something better than the journal work I've done over the past decade, which has been spotty at best. Hopefully knowing that others may be seeing this will spur me to action. Finally, if this is my last year at home full time, I wanted to have a record of it for all to enjoy.

I intend for this blog not to focus on me, rather I'll be the fly on the wall reporting on the ups and downs, the trials and tribulations, the successes and attempts that didn't work out the way we hoped. I hope my family enjoys reading this, as well as any others that may stumble on it. Hopefully it will be a little entertaining along the way too.