Friday, August 19, 2011


We are wrapping up the first week of school, and wow, what a whirlwind!

The week began with O starting school on Monday, while the rest of us took Bear up to Tampa for an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist. That was a stressful trip for us, but ended wonderfully as we got news that Bear is just fine.

We headed back home, to find the painters had begun working on the house, and the house looked like a wreck. Scraped paint, busted soffits, the outside just looked terrible. We picked up O, she told us she had a wonderful day, we grabbed a quick dinner and headed to the gym for basketball practice for Bear and the Tornado.

Tornado had his meeting with his teacher early Tuesday morning, and seemed very excited. He's got a good class of kids, and we like the teacher, so we are optimistic for the upcoming year for him. Bear had her first day of school as well, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had a physical therapy appointment before school ended, then took the kids up to the gym for their fitness class.

Wednesday the Tornado was still at home, so we walked the dog, played some games and watched a movie. We spent the afternoon driving carpool around town, getting haircuts, and catching up with each other. Wednesday night the CEO went to school for elementary school orientation.

Thursday began with the Tornado starting his first day of kindergarten, and boy was he excited. he couldn't wait to get there. After dropping the kids off, I headed to PT again, thinking of the wonderful summer we had and how I'm going to miss having them around the house. I got home in time to meet with three separate roofers to discuss repairing the house. When I was done meeting with them, I went and ran at the Y, then headed to school to pick up the Tornado and watch the girls tryout for volleyball. They both did well, we will know next week if they made the team, but they both said they had fun. We ran home, grabbed a quick dinner, and I went back to school for an amazingly long 3 hour middle school orientation.

Today, after school, the gang is headed up to Tampa to watch the Rays take on King Felix, and do the tornado's favorite thing...the centerfield shuffle and dance party! Tomorrow will take Bear to the Y for what will hopefully be a more pleasant basketball game than last week, while the Tornado will possibly try to dribble between his legs again in his game. Afterwards, the Bear is going to a sleepover while a friend is coming over to help finish putting up the new basketball hoop.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by how must faster the pace picks up when everyone is in school compared to the summer. Is this a typical week? Is this what it's going to be every week of the year? If so, it's interesting to say the least!!